Gung Haggis dragon boat team April 17th practice review + more

Gung Haggis dragon boat team April 17th practice review + more

Good challenging practice last Sunday – to get us going and see what we
can do – consider it as setting our base piece.  Every thing is up
from here on. You can really see how well people are learning to paddle
better, and to work together as a group. Very noticable differences
between the start of the practice and the end. Good job by Bob to lead
us through the exercises and paddle lessons to help us improve.

Great to have Bob Brinson coaching with us.  He as raced since
1991, and coached many teams at novice and recreation levels –
achieving many medals with the top Seniors and Breast Cancer dragon
boat teams.

Craig Brown commented that he sees great potential in this team, and is
excited by it. On Sunday we had 14 people paddling – Only 7 people had
paddled before which means for 7 people it was only their 1st or 2nd
time ever in a dragon boat.  We have 5 more paddlers coming out
with lots of racing and paddling experience – so expect the boat to
“jump” when they climb aboard and put their paddles in the water.

Craig is currently paddling with the Jericho Paddling club and vying to
be on one of their top outrigger teams this summer. He has paddled at
the local competitive level for dragon boats since 2001. It is a great
opportunity to have him be part of the Gung Haggis team and family for

A few things:

1) Please send me your shirt sizes
to confirm what I can give you for your team uniform. I have ordered 35
dry fit shirts + addition cotton shirts to use as fundraisers,
promotions, cheering squad etc.

2) Please give or send me a cheque for $130 ($110 for students). Please make it out to Gung Haggis. This confirms your spot on the team.

3) 1 boat or 2 boats? There
is enough “interest” to run 2 boats. This is wonderful, as it is my
vision to have enough people to run two teams side by side for mini
races, and to help develop both experienced and beginner paddlers. But
in order for this to happen, I need paddler committments and $ to enter

4) Next Sunday – practice is at 2pm.
The address of the MATCON warehouse is 215 West 1st avenue at the foot
of Cook St. Just West of Olympic Fitness.   Parking available
on the West 1st Ave. or in the gravel parking lot North of Columbia St.
– just drive to the North end, park your car near the sea wall, and
walk Westwards along the seawall to the next gate.

5) We are organizing the Pre-festival Paddler's Party.
$10 wrist band gets the wearer one free drink at Doolin's, The Cellar
or the Roxy. Tanya is working with me on this one. We get to keep $10
from each wrist band sold – but we will donate 50% proceeds to help
develop and support a junior dragon boat program for ADBF.

6) May 7th is a team social at Doolin's Irish Pub.
Details are in the works – but expect: $15 dinner special – Irish Stew
+ lamb shank + pint of Guinness Beer. watch on video – the French
documentary on dragon boating filmed for the Thalassa program –
featuring our 2004 team. watch on video – the CBC TV Leo Award
nominated performance special “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” – featuring
cross-cultural musical performances by “The Paper Boys, Silk Road
Music, George Sapounidis, Brave Waves + the origins of Robbie Burns
Day, Chinese New Year and Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie
Burns Chinese New Year Dinner.

7) Ideas are open for apres-practice activities. This can include food, drinks, picnic, swimming, jacuzzi, health food or beer.

Cheers to all!
Todd Wong

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