Media stories about Kogawa Homestead: 2004 to Sept 2005

Here's a 2004 story about the Kogawa Homestead from the Vancouver Sun by Kim Pemberton.

Historical home is Joy's dream
Novelist envisions writers' retreat in childhood home seized during Second World War

Since 2004, the house has again risen in value.  But today there
are the tell tale signs that something is happening.  Paing
markings on the sidewalk mark city services to the house, and
surveyor's tape criss-cross the yard.  Earlier this week an
inquiry was made by an architect to apply for demolition.

Saturday's Globe and Mail featured a “This Just In” by Alexanda Gill
(September 24, p. R6)national Globe edition:

 “Vancouver: The wrecker's ball could wipe out a Canadian literary
landmark. The owner of Joy Kogawa's childhood home, a house that
figured prominently in her award winning novel Obasan, applied to the
city of Vancouver for a demolition permit this week, just as the author
is about to be celebrated. In 1942, under the War Measures Act, Kogawa,
her parents and brother, were removed from the bungalow. Obasan,
published in 1981, recalls this episode in Canadian history. This
weekend, the author is scheduled to read a passage from Obasan at
Vancouver's Word on the Street festival.”

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. 
Click on the white banner - this will forward you to an
on-line petition.
Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

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