Joy Kogawa Haiku for the first-ever Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival – coming in the spring

Joy Kogawa Haiku for the first-ever Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival – coming in the spring

Joy Kogawa made the New Year's Eve Vancouver Sun edition on both page E3 and E13.

Linda Poole invites haiku submissions for the first-ever Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival which will occur in March 2006.

Here is Joy Kogawa's haiku submission

A window opens

Cherry Blossom Festival

Look! Friendship growing

 – Joy Kogawa

Submission deadline is January 31st for the Haiku Invitational event. 

Hopefully we will also be able to celebrate in March with a possible announcement that Kogawa House has been saved.

Page E3 was a Kevin Griffin story titled
Non-profit leads fight to save Kogawa home

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