Quartetto Gelato superb last night… today dragon boats in the rain

Quartetto Gelato superb last night… today dragon boats in the rain

It was a wonderful feast of music with Quartetto Gelato
performing at the Chan Centre.  New cellist Elinor Frey made her
Vancouver debut with the group, along with group leaders Cynthia
Stejles (oboe) and Peter de Sotos (violin, tenor), and Alexander
Sevastian (accordion, piano) who has been with the group for three

The evening highlighted their most recent album:  Quartetto Gelato
Travels the Orient Express.  Songs from the album represent the
countries along the classic train route.

The evening was made even more special because Bill Richardson
accompanied them in the second half.  Richardson contributed
stories to tie each song together and create a journey of adventure
with characters that also played oboe, cello, accordion and sang
tenor.  Lots of laughs even had cellist Elionor Frey cracking up
on stage.

More review later…

Right now, I have to go prepare for this afternoon's dragon boat
practice and public paddling at 1pm, Dragon Zone at Creekside Park –
just south of Science World.

Come and paddle with us.  $2 for the public paddling program offered by the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival
Bring a hat, and a wind/rain jacket.  We paddle Rain or Snow… or
Sun…  just in case it rains or snows or sunshines on race day.

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