Highlights for “Joy of Canadian Words” – fundraiser event for “Save Kogawa House”

Highlights for

“Joy of Canadian Words”

– fundraiser event for

“Save Kogawa House”



April 25th, 2006

Christ Church Cathedral

Georgia and Burrard

have invited actors and cultural celebrities to help us read some of
Canada's most important literary works. We started with the Literary
Review of Canada's 100 Greatest Canadian Books Ever Written, which
included Obasan and we allowed the presenters to find what moved them.

Introduction by Bill Turner
The Land Conservancy of BC

Sheryl McKay, CBC Radio Host of “North By Northwest”
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery

Joy Coghill, actor

Emily Carr’s “Klee
Wyck” and P. K. Page’s “Planet Earth”

Doris Chilcott, actor

Alden Nowlan poems

Leora Cashe, jazz gospel singer
songs by Leonard Cohen

Rhonda Larrabee, chief of the Qayqayt
First Nations

“Coyote and the Enemy Aliens” by Thomas King:

Bill Dow, actor
Promised Land”
by Aron Buchkowsky,

Bill Dow, Manami Hara, Hiro Katagawa,
Maiko Yamamoto (actors)
“Call My People Home”by Dorothy Livesay (radio documentary poem)

Marion Quednau of the Writers’
Union of
    The significance of Kogawa House

Joy Kogawa

promises to be an incredible event.  All the pieces just fell into
place.  The actors have found some incredible moving literary

Sheryl McKay starts things off with “Ann of Green
Gables” a beloved Canadian institution with contemporary parallels to
Joy Kogawa's “Naomi's Road” in that an opera has now been written and
performed, and like Anne's House in PEI, people are now making
pilgramages to Kogawa House.

Joy Coghill is a treasured actor
and arts advocate.  By choosing to read Emily Carr's Klee-wyck,
Joy has found a parallel in that Emily Carr's childhood home has been
turned into a heritage site.  Hopefully Kogawa House will be the

Doris Chilcott has chosen to read some poems by Alden
Nowlan, who had been a writer-in-residence at many places throughout
Canada.  We hope to create a Writers-in-Residence program for Kogawa House.

Dorothy Livesay wrote “Call My People Home”, for a CBC radio documentary that critized the internment and dispersal of Japanese Canadians in 1949.  This will be read by actors Bill Dow, Manami Hara, Hiro Katagawa,
Maiko Yamamoto

King wrote an incredible short story about the mythical Coyote playing
havoc with the internment of Japanese Canadians and the confiscation of
their property in “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens.”

Leore Cashe is
an incredibly gifted jazz and gospel singer. She has picked two songs
by Leonard Cohen to perform.  “Hallelujah” and “Dance Me to the
End of Love”

And then there is Joy….

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