Kilts Night Oct 4th…

Kilts Night Oct 4th…

It was a fun kilts night on Thursday, Oct 4th.  We go to Doolin's Irish Pub on the first Thursday of each month.  The free pint of Guinness is nice… but the music by the Halifax Wharf Rats is excellent!

Several people from our Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team were there: Hillary, Alf, Leanne and myself.  Kilts night organizers Bear and Raphael were also there.  Cecilia also joined us.  A small group we were.

Then five young women wearing mini-kilts showed up.  Wondering how they had heard about Kilts Night, I introduced myself and the Gung Haggis dragon boat team.  It was their first time at Kilts Night.  I ordered the free pints of Guinness for them… and for me and Leanne on our team.  One of the young women was hapa (half-asian) and I quickly introduced her to Leanne who is also hapa.  I talked about how our dragon boat team and Kilts Night often features Asians in kilts, and one of the women answered, “Why is that strange?  This is Vancouver!”

Soon after, somebody approached our table asking, “Are you dragon boaters?”

It was Ashleigh, who had e-mailed last month, asking if she could join the Gung Haggis dragon boat team.  She had brought her friend Kayla.  Introductions to the team were made, and also to our resident kilt maker Terry “Bear” Varga, who has made each of the team's 4 kilts + 1 mini-kilt.

Soon, everybody body was dancing to the Johnny Cash song “I Walk the Line.”  There was no way to keep Alf or Hillary from the dance floor during a Johnny Cash song.

More Canadiana songs soon followed with Barrett's Privateers, Alberta Bound and then some celtic tunes.  The Halifax Wharf Rats were in great form Thursday night.  New songs I hadn't heard before were the Doobie Brothers song “Listen to the Music” and then… something that has slipped my mind.

A group of 3 young women, not wearing kilts, were definitely intrigued by our kilted group.  They were students from Brazil, anxious to learn more about Canadian culture and Canadian music.  We obliged.

pictures to come soon….

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