Gung Haggis dragon boat team finally paddles in the sunshine!!!


The sunshine stayed out – and it was warm!!!
no rain in sight… and lots of dragon boaters came out to paddle in the sunshine.

We had 28 people show up, so we took two dragon boats out.  Gayle Gordon led one boat, and I lead the other.  Both Stephen Wong and Stephen Mirowski started steering.  Ashleigh and Wendy were lead
strokes on the Chinchillas. Tzhe and Keng were lead strokes on the
Donkeys.  Gayle and I also took some turns at lead stroke as well.

divided people up into two teams, and alternated lessons with mini
sprint races.  The Green Swamp Donkeys won the first two
sprint races.  The Flaming Red Purple Chinchilla teamwon the third race.  As is our
tradition – after each race, the losing team gets to pick somebody from
the other team to join them.  So after they lost each race, the Chinchillas got to pick somebody off the Swamp Donkeys team, finally winning with 15 paddlers to 11 paddlers.

practice was a lot of fun.  People really liked racing each other.  With more
people out on Sundays – we can have more races, as well as teaching
people how to paddle when another boat is right beside you, as well as
how to avoid collisions.

upcoming practices

TUESDAY April 15
6pm – on the water asap

This will be our only evening practice this week, as we are going to cancel the WED practice, because of the Managers.& Captains 7pm meeting for the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival.  

Maybe with only one practice we will have more than 10 or 12 paddlers out for the evening – CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!

Tuesday Night foodie club in effect… 
I think the vote is to go for 40% off happy hour at Kyushu Island.

no dragon boat practice
7pm Managers & Captains meeting for dragon boat festival
@ Chinese Cultural Centre
corner of Carrall and Pender St.
– walk into the courtyard and enter the David Lam Multi-purpose hall.

THURSDAY – April 17
6pm practice with Gayle's women's team
if you can't practice on Tuesday….
Come out to paddle with the women!
email Gayle to confirm.
She says there has been room on the boat so far…

SUNDAY – April 20
1:30 @ Dragon Zone
It is Sun Run in the morning… so the traffic should be cleared up by the after noon for us.
We are hoping to have enough people for two teams again!
Following Sunday on April 27th, we have a special coaching & video session with Kamini Jain.

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