Unity Within Diversity: Chinese Canadian vets at Vancouver Library

Chinese Canadian Vets + Douglas Jung film at VPL

Here is an interesting event that Wesley Lowe has put together to celebrate Asian Heritage Month. 

May 31st, Saturday
Vancouver Public Library

Hello Everybody – please find attached the invitation to the “Unity
Within Diversity” event next Saturday, May 31st at 4:00 pm at the
Vancouver Public Library.

It promises to be a special event.  In particular, we are happy that
Major Harjit Sajjan who spent eight months in Afghanistan and Peggy Lee
who was with the Women's Ambulance Corps during WWII will be fielding
questions.  We will also see a short video clip of the late Douglas
Jung, WWII Veteran and Canada's first Chinese Member of Parliament.

During the reception, there will be ample opportunity to meet and
mingle with Asian Veterans of many heritages.   We will also have on
display the Display Panel of Chinese Canadian contribution to WWII and
there will be the Western Canadian premiere display of the Japanese
Diversity Panel.

The ever-able “Fiddlers on the Roof” string quartet will entertain us
and light refreshments from the “Lazy Gourmet, ” voted BEST
CATERER FOR 2007 AND 2008  will be served.

An RSVP is not required but if you are coming, let us know.

Look forward to seeing you there.

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