100 years of South Asian-Candian Music and History + Delhi 2 Dublin info

My friend Tarun Nayar – one of the geniuses behind Delhi 2 Dublin sends me this message about 100 years of South Asian-Canadian BC history:

Hello South Asian music fans,

are a few very interesting things happening in the next couple of
weeks. Next week there's a whole variety pack of great talks, events,
and music to mark over 100 years of South Asian presence in Canada. In
1908, as the population of South Asians in BC grew to 5000, the
Canadian government passed the 'Continuous Journey' law to prohibit
further immigration. The events next week commemorate the long journey
it's been since then, the many twists and turns that have transformed
Canada into the amazing country it is today, and the work we have to do
in the future. More info below and at: http://www.southasianevents.blogspot.com/. An added bonus: all the events are FREE.

next week, check the Delhi 2 Dublin Remix CD release party. It should
be outlandishly fun, and will pack out, so pick up your ticket ahead of

Until next time, 

and hope to see you soon,


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