Vancouver's Robert Burns statue is a copy of the George Lawson original from Ayr Scotland

The same Robert Burns statue in Vancouver's Stanley Park can also be seen in other Canadian cities + Paris, Australia and Belfast.

Dr. Leith Davis, Director of the Centre for Scottish Studies, Simon Fraser University, sent me a note saying:

following cities have copies of the same statue that Vancouver does
(all are copies of the original by George Lawson which is in Ayr,
Melbourne, Australia

Robert Burns Statue in Ayr Scotland

Burns Statue Original plaster maquette or George Lawson designed statue of Robert Burns


Statues to Robert Burns are to be found across the world, in London,
Toronto, Sydney, Auckland and New York, to name but a few. This is a
plaster maquette produced by George Lawson for the statue that was
erected in Ayr in 1891. Such was the popularity of Lawson's statue that
full-sized copies were made for Melbourne, Vancouver, Montreal and
Winnipeg and smaller copies for Belfast and the Sorbonne in Paris. The
Sorbonne statue was carefully hidden during the German occupation of
Paris in the 1940s, to prevent it falling into the hands of the Nazis.

Robert Burns statue in Halifax

Burns Statue in Winnipeg

burns_robert_2.jpg (46425 bytes)

Statue de Robert Burns

Carré Dominion


Robert Burns Memorial, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, Australia

Robert Burns Memorial in Melbourne Australia

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