Anniversary of death of Robert Burns – July 21st.

2009_January 108 by Toddish McWong.Pipers Allan and Trish McMordie at Robert Burns Statue in Stanley Park on the 250th anniversary of his birth, January 25th, 2009.

The 213th anniversary of Robert Burns death is July 21st.

He was 37 years old in 1796.
He is one of the world's greatest and most recited poets.
He wrote about equality of the sexes, and equality of station for men the whole world over.

2009 is the 250th anniversary of his birth.

I've decided NOT to organize a dinner at the rowing club.
This is easier….

Meet me at the Irish Heather for drinks,

Then we will go toast Rabbie when the 9 o'clock gun goes off, at the statue in Stanley Park.

We can read some poetry, tell some stories, and have a moment of silence….
I think we can arrive at the statue for 8:45pm or so…

Wear your kilt or tartan….

2009_January 186 by Toddish McWong.

Flowers, pictures of virtual statue and wreath + glass of scotch, all left at Robert Burns statue on January 25th, 2009.

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