Todd Wong writes “Chinatown” section in new “Vancouver, Victoria & Whistler Colourguide”

New Colourguide for Vancouver, Victoria & Whistler now available
Todd Wong writes section on Chinatown.

2009_November 007 by you.

In the mail I received a package today….
a book!
a travel guide book…
Colourguide for Vancouver, Victoria & Whistler

I wrote the section on Vancouver Chinatown.  The book is edited by Gail Buente, my coworker friend at the Vancouver Library.  Back in May I sent her my final draft which she edited.  The book has just been released now in November in time for the anticipated visitors for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.  Maybe some of them will find their way into Vancouver Chinatown.

2009_November 008 by you.

2009_November 016

2009_November 017

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