If Terry Fox could light the Olympic caldron, would he?

Who will light the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Caldron?  The Spirit of Terry Fox?

At the 1976 Montreal Olympics, the Olympic Caldron was lit by Stephane Prefontaine and Sandra Henderson, two teenage athletes.  At the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, the caldron was lit by Robyn Perry, a 12 year old figure skater.  If this trend continues, it could be a baby lighting the flame in Vancouver's Opening Ceremonies.

Maybe it will be the baby of figure skaters Jaime Sale and David Pelletier, as a “get-you-back” at the Olympic figure skating judges at Salt Lake City in 2002.

But Canadians don't think like that… We aren't revengful, mean or spiteful.  We are polite, sharing, compassionate and caring.  We voted for Tommy Douglas as our Greatest Canadian.  Terry Fox was number 2.

Terry Fox inspired millions in Canada when he did his run… and
millions after he died. There are Terry Fox Runs all around the world.
 I have spoken at schools and Terry Fox Runs in BC, and also in Bejing,
as a Terry's Team Member – cancer survivors, for are living proof
that cancer research made a difference.  Terry worked hard at whatever
he undertook.  He was not a scholarship athlete at SFU. He was the guy
on the bench who was there to step in when you needed him.  And he
inspired millions.


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