Todd and Deb visit South Okanagan Conservation areas and see a moose!

Todd and Deb visit South Okanagan Conservation areas… and see a moose in Canada's pocket desert (almost)!

I visited Penticton / Naramata on the weekend, and drove down to
Oosooyoos.  This allowed me to visit some of the South Okanagan /
Similkimeen area where The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) has holdings in.  This is of interest to me because last August 2009, I was elected to the TLC board.

Friday's local Penticton newspaper had a story about
the Okanagan River conservation and how Western Painted Turtles are
having a resurgence.  TLC is listed in the story as helping to play a
role – and I remembered the recent board meeting about our role in the
Okanagan River!  I am pleased to be involved in TLC!

And Deb & I saw two moose at Vaseaux Lake where the Okanagan River meanders into wetland. 

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rare sighting of moose on Vaseaux Lake – even the local park ranger was
surprised to believe it when we showed him this picture!

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We also saw baby coots, hawks, turkey vultures, spawning kokanee in Naramata etc.

2010_Sep_Naramata_Day3_South 096 Baby coots at Vaseaux Lake

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  Hawk near Burrowing Owl winery


Here's a display board that lists TLC as one of the property holders for Similkameen River Pines at the bottom of the map.

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