Sex in Vancouver: Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre's play is getting the press

Sex in Vancouver Part 3 – Intimate Secrets runs until this weekend, August 20,


Round House,

Vancouver, BC

Yesterday's Georgia Straight did a review of Sex in Vancouver, the serial play produced by Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre.

Here's the link

Check out the review in Rice Paper Magazine

Check out
Home page for Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre.

I have always had fun attending the VACT productions, especially
the first two installments of Sex in Vancouver.  It's also a lot
of fun spotting friends in the audience
and the cast. Not completely professional yet – but no longer
completely amateur either.  More importantly it both provides a
platform for Asian Canadian actors to explore their craft, as well as
providing roles beyond stereotypes and small supporting roles.

Two weeks ago the Vancouver Sun also published a preview about the show
that included a short interview with one of the actors.  Of course
it's the standard story – no roles for Asian actors.  Many many
years ago Donna Yamamoto won a Jessie Award for excellence in acting…
still no big roles for her since.  So much for colour blind
casting in this town.  But do check out Sex in Vancouver… watch
the cast and crew doing something that they love, something that they
feel is important.  And maybe if they like you, they will invite
you to the crew wrap party afterwards!

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