Kogawa House deadline to raise money to save house is now August 2006

Kogawa House deadline to raise money to save house is now August 2006

been an awesome journey along the campaign to save Joy Kogawa's
childhood home from the wrecker's ball, and turn it into a writers'
centre and historical and literary landmark for Canada.

though The Land Conservancy has decided to purchase the home by
exercising their option worked out with the owner, we are still a ways
from completely saving it. 

So far $230,000 has been raised and pledged, but an additional $470,000 is needed complete the $700,000 purchase price.

am working on a fundraiser event for May, and for the summer. 
Please call me or Nancy Tiffin at TLC, if you have any ideas, or major
donors.  See Nancy's letter from the TLC below

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Land Conservancy of BC has decided to exercise its option to purchase
the Historic Joy Kogawa House and take out a short term mortgage to
save it from demolition (see press release below).  But we only have until August 2006 to raise the balance of the money needed to purchase the property in order to prevent TLC
from carrying a long term mortgage on this property.  This buys us a
bit more time to work towards the goal of preserving this important
symbol of Canda's cultural heritage in perpetuity.

Our goal of $1.25M as follows:

      Land and House Purchase $700,000

      Restoration of Property    $200,000

      $300,000    to offset costs of maintaining a
      writers-in-residence program

      Cost of Fundraising          $50,000

To date we have raised $235,000 from over 500 people in donations and pledges. 

This is still a time sensitive campaign
We have until August 31, 2006 to ensure the preservation of this
property in perpetuity.  Your gifts and your ability to connect us to
others who may be intertested in giving is essential to our success.  I
am confident that with your help we can reach our goal of making this
an educational site and a retreat for writers of conscience.  If you or
someone you know has yet to donate or pledge to this important
campaign, please take a moment to go to The Land Conservancy's website
www.conservancy.bc.ca and make your donation or pledge today.  You can also print the attached pledge/donation form off and give it to others.

There are silk threads of hope healing and reconcilation running
through this campaign and we've been inspired by the commitment and
interest from people all over Canada, throughout the States and from
parts of Europe and Asia.  It's exciting to see the world become your
neighbour and join together in this great cause. 
are a significant step closer to preserving this important symbol of
Canada's cultural heritage in perpetuity, which is important to us as
individuals and as a society.  It's a symbol that will carry with it
the importance of our past, and even more importantly, provide a
reminder for generations to come of the multiculturalism and
interculturalism that provide the backbone to our culture and makes us
proud to be called Canadian.

Thank you for your interest in and support of our campaign.



Nancy Tiffin

Development Officer – Major Gifts


TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia

5655 Sperling Ave, Burnaby, BC   CANADA  V5E 2T2


CELL: (250) 213-6278    TEL: (604) 733-2313    FAX: (604) 299-5054

ntiffin@conservancy.bc.ca             www.conservancy.bc.ca

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