2007 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy

2007 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy

I've always liked watching Monty Python.  And it was great to see the CBC tv special Gung Haggis Fat Choy take on a Monty Pythonesque animated sequence when telling the history of Robert Burns.  This will be part of the program on January 28th, as we will show excerpts from teh CBC tv special.

As for the dinner menu… we will NOT be serving SPAM. 
But look for plenty of haggis…

Haggis won-ton, bagpipes, Silk Road Music, Robbie Burns poetry,  Haggis dim sum, Heather Pawsey opera soprano, Chinese banquet food, Haggis lettuce wrap, Leora Cashe jazz & gospel, Scottish singalongs, Haggis spring rolls, lots of surprises, traditional haggis, co-hosted by Priya Ramu (CBC Radio On The Coast) and Todd Wong himself and more haggis… .

for all the non-haggis lovers there will be:
lots of vegetarian food…
tofu appetizers, deep-fried tofu, tofu with vegetables, tofu hot pot, tofu with taro, tofu-stuffed haggis, and tofu pudding…

If you don't believe me, check out last year's dinner menu
Scottish Canadian and Chinese Canadian culture 10 course Chinese banguet dinner

I am presently working on upgrading the menu from last year – there will be crab, chicken, haggis and tofu… but not so much tofu…

One thought on “2007 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy

  1. Anonymous

    Hey Todd,
    don't have your email but thought I should let you know that at Monday's park board meeting I will be asking that a new park at 72nd and Selkirk in Marpole be named after David Suzuki. If this is of interest give me a call.
    Spencer Herbert
    Park Commissioner


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