Firehall Arts Centre's “The Blue Light” final weekend

Firehall Arts Centre's “The Blue Light” final weekend

Why would a Japanese film maker write a play about a
German film maker linked to the Nazis of WW2… because she can, and
because the content is incredible.

It's the final weekend for The Blue Light, written by Mieko Ouchi, an
artist from Edmonton.  It's directed by Donna Spencer and has been
recieving good reviews in the media, especially for the acting of
Gabrielle Rose in the lead role

In The Blue Light, Gabrielle Rose digs into the psyche of the controversial

The Blue Light. By Colin Thomas. Publish Date: January 18, 2007 In The Blue Light, a geriatric Riefenstahl pitches a script to a young Hollywood

From the Firehall Arts Centre website


By Mieko Ouchi
January 5 – 27, 2007

“…the script Ouchi has crafted is truly remarkable. She effortlessly
handles the time shifts and larger-than-life characters residing in her
work.” Garth Paulson, Calgary Gauntlet

“Ouchi’s script illuminates the struggle of a
woman to succeed where few others could, taking each opportunity as it
presented itself.” Eve Marie Clarke, See Magazine

Delve into the theatrical examination of a
woman who danced one perfect dance with the devil and changed the way
films are made. Leni Riefenstahl was one of the most remarkable and
controversial female artists of the 20th century. Dancer, actor,
photographer and filmmaker, Riefenstahl caught the eye of Adolf Hitler
with her prodigious first film: The Blue Light. A cinematic innovator,
her choice to direct the propagandist film Triumph of the Will got her
blacklisted as a filmmaker. She died in 2003 at 101, unrepentant and
mostly forgotten, still naive or perhaps not. Is the artist responsible
for the negative influence their work may have over viewers? The Blue
Light questions the often-unacknowledged dark side of artistic
experience and causes the viewer to look deeper into what art and media
may ask us to believe.

THE BLUE LIGHT Performance Schedule: Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8PM, Saturdays and Sundays at 2PM, Wednesdays at 1PM.

ADULT TICKETS PRICES: Weeknights and matinees: $16.00. Friday & Saturday evenings: $22.00

STUDENT/SENIOR TICKET PRICES: Weeknights and matinees: $12.00. Friday & Saturday evenings: $18.00

PAY WHAT YOU CAN MATINEES: Wednesdays at 1PM (January 10th, 17th and 24th). Please arrive any time after 12PM.


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