Pictures of Gung Haggis dragon boat team in April 14 sprint regatta

Pictures of Gung Haggis dragon boat team in April 14 sprint regatta

check out pics from the regatta on
The gallery:

These pictures are taken by our friend Ray Shum – please hire him for your action photography

You can find him at


Raymond Shum

C: (604)841-2941

For these races on April 14th, some of our regular paddlers couldn't
make it.  We asked our friends from other teams to join us.

From Pirates dragon boat team in Chilliwack – Ian Paul and Cory
From Scaly Justice draogn boat team in Vancouver – Stuart Higginson, Sarah Glazzard and Linda Pleece
From Jericho paddling club –  Craig Brown – longtime friend and original 1997 paddler on the Celebration/Gung Haggis team.

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Drummer Julie and UA Power Dragons

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Gung Haggis 2nd race

We had a great practice start – and it set us up for our fastest race of the day.

Stephen Mirowski is steering.  Deb Martin is drumming

right side paddlers are: Wendy, Keng, Kristine, Sarah, Craig,
Dan, Stuart, Steven, Melissa, Alex

leftside paddlers are: Todd, Cory, Gee, Ian, Georgia,
Ernest, Gerard, Linda, Joe, Cindy

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C Final Demo Race with TV Camera



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C FINAL Demonstration race with tv camera in seat 1

right side: Todd, Keng, Gee, Steven W.,
Dan, Stuart H., Sarah, Melissa, Georgia

left side: Wendy, Cory, Kristine, Stuart M.,
Craig, Gerard, Linda, Joe, Ian

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after the C Final with TV Camera

Good picture of drummer Deb steadying Tal, the cameraman, as he stood
up on the boat to get an overhead shot of the Gung Haggis paddlers.

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B Final – our last race of the day

After a few practice starts for the camera,  then a demonstration
race in C Final with a cameraman in seat 1 – it is fair to say we were
a bit tired for our B Final race.

right side: Wendy, Cory, Kristine Sarah, Craig
Dan, Stephen M, Melissa, Stuart M., Alex

left side: Todd, Keng, Gee, Ian, Georgia,
Ernest, Stuart H., Linda, Joe, Cindy

Steers is Steven W. and Drummer Deb

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after B Final – waving to the crowd!


The UA Power Dragons watched the races from the shoreline, and
chanted our names after the race.  They have turned into our #1
cheering section.  It was great to see such enthusiasm in a 1st
year team.  I coach them on Saturday mornings.

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