Vancouver Opera's “Voices of the Pacific Rim” displays wonderful talent

“Voices of the Pacific Rim” is a talent showcase for Asian-Canadian opera singers in this Vancouver Opera production.

2009_February 183 by you.

The 10 featured performers from “Voices of the Pacific” – photo Todd Wong

I loved last year's show, and while this year's show was equally enjoyable, it still left me wondering why a show titled Voices of the Pacific Rim featured so many European opera arias sung in German and Italian.

For $20, this is one of the most pleasurable and affordable opera recitals you could attend.  The musicianship is superb.  The singers are crowd pleasers.  And you have to wonder, why you didn't invite more of your friends to join you.

This is a wonderful way for Vancouver Opera to reach out to Vancouver's many Asian communities, by featuring performers and songs with Japanese heritage this year, and Korean heritage last year.

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Gina Oh is the music curator, as she was for last year's show.  But this year, the young Korean-Canadian was named one of the top 100 Koreans by the Korean Consulate for her work in helping promote culture. 

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Sam Chung is a member of the Vancouver Opera Chorus, and will make his official debut with the VOA as a soloist in the upcoming Rigoletto.  He gave a very fine performance of his talents in two solo turns.  Sam had a commanding stage presence, with a voice that seems larger than his 5'6″ frame.

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Jessica Cheung is always a delight to watch.  She brought a delightfully charming attention to her aria from Mozart's The Abduction from the Seraglio.

More later….

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