Earth Day paddling in False Creek….

Happy Earth Day…  we celebrated on our dragon boat practice for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team, by recognizing some of the aquatic and environmental highlights of False Creek.   We talked about some of the ways False Creek has been cleaned up since the 1970’s, and how the Expo 86 site made a big difference.  We pointed out where Sweeney’s Barrels used to be and is now Cooper’s Park.  The first dragon boats were donated by the Hong Kong Pavillion, and on display for the festival in what is now the Yaletown habour.   False Creek used to be all industry with mills, factories, etc – but now it has been cleaned up to the point that herring eggs … and oysters… are now alive in False Creek.

Here we are paddling into the bay at David Lam Park, where Earth Day celebrations were held with author Eckart Tolle.   I am holding a dragon boat paddle, as we do stretching exercises midway through our practice.  – photo Dave Samis.
It was actually quite warm and the sun was deceptively burning…  I now have sunburn on my forehead.  Usually I always have a cap to wear on my head… but I took that into the house the other day when I was wearing it in the rain.
We paddled up to Granville Island and under the Granville St. Bridge – photo Dave Samis
We paddled up to the Burrard St. Bridge, then turned around and came back. – photo Dave Samis
After paddling, some of us went to all-you-can-eat at Ji Sushi, on the NE corner of Broadway @ Cambie.  Then I went to check out Earth Day celebrations at Grandview Park on Commercial Drive.  Nice to see the displays and the dj’s were playing reggae music.

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