Fiddler Jocelyn Pettit returns to Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner!

We are very pleased that the Jocelyn Pettit Band is returning to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner for 2013 on January 27th. She is an exceptional performer and has a mature presence beyond her young age of only 18 years.  Everybody that listens to her 2010 cd is amazed.  This British Columbian Celtic fiddler is an artist that deserves to be heard. Her debut CD of Irish, Scottish and Cape Breton tunes impresses both for the lovely tone she induces from her instrument, and its unhurried pacing. Pettit has an intuitive command and understanding of the material that would honor a musician of any age; for one who is just 15, it’s astonishing. – Sing Out! Magazine (Summer 2010)

Jocelyn is very busy and will be performing upcoming concerts at the St. James Hall on January 18th for The Rogue Folk Club, and on February 2, at the Brackendale Art Gallery, near her home of Squamish.  Check her web page here:


Fiddler Jocelyn Pettit with her French-Celtic-Canadian father and the Chinese-Canadian mother – the Jocelyn Pettit Band at the 2011 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner. – photo Lydia Nagai

It was a special dinner for which almost all our featured performers and co-hosts such as actor Patrick Gallagher, CBC radio personality Jenna Chow, film maker Jeff Chiba Stearns and Jocelyn are all of Mixed Asian ethnicity.  We nicknamed it the Gung Hapa Fat Choy dinner, as “Hapa” is a Hawaiian word that describes people of mixed race.

It has been amazing to watch Jocelyn’s young musical career grow in leaps and bounds.  I first met her at the 2010 BC Highland Games in Coquitlam… when she and her mother Siew came to check out the Gung Haggis Fat Choy tent display.

This past October, Jocelyn played with famed celtic musicians, The Chieftains, at the River Rock Casino.  It was a wonderful show that highlighted local talent for the show’s grand finale.  Check out my video of the finale that featured Celtic dancers who had grabbed audience members and brought them down to the stage.  Jocelyn is standing closest to The Chieftains, and is clearly having a great time.

Click here to see video
The Chieftains with Jocelyn Pettit – video by Todd Wong

This past summer we caught up with Jocelyn performing at the West Vancouver Harmony Arts Festival.  Her father Joel is on bodhran and her mother Siew is on second fiddle.  Jocelyn has become one of my favorite performing artists as well as a friend.  In 2012, I saw her perform 3 times, February, August and October (with the Chieftains)… and yet I still missed her performance at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Chinese Garden as part of the Enchanted Evenings concert series ( for which I had a background role to help set up by introducing parties to meet).

And….  Check out today’s Province paper… Jocelyn Pettit is one of my favorite fiddlers… and she is coming to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner next week… but this Friday – check out her concert at the St. James Hall in Vancouver.

For tickets for 2013 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

Call Kristin Cheung of Ricepaper Magazine

or order tickets online here:

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