dragon boat practice for Sunday June 13

We meet at 12 noon at Science World / Dragon Zone.

This is the last Sunday practice before the BIG Alcan Dragon Boat Festival.  Are we ready yet?  Ready as we can be… we are a fun team dedicated to multiculturalism and meeting new challenges.

We surprised ourselves in the regatta last week, coming third in our first race, essentially confirming our place in the top half of teams.  We finished 5th in the B Final and got a good boost of confidence for this coming weekend.

12 noon – we start stretches, cardio and race preparations including visualizations.  At 12:45 we are ready to load onto the boats.  We will go through our routines as if it is race day.  A short warm up with practice starts – then wait for teams on the start line.  Then a good race – just as if it is next Sunday in the BIG RACE!!!

Wednesday June 17th is our official last practice from Plaza of Nations

Thursday we do filming with France 3 – for the television special on Dragon boating in Vancouver.

Cheers, Todd




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