Terry Fox Run elementary school visit: “Courage in Adversity” Sherwood Park elementary School

I spoke at Sherwood Park elementary in Deep Cove today for their 2nd annual Terry Fox Run assembly.  I spoke there last year too.  The theme was "overcoming adversity" so I spoke about being able to control what you can, when life is out-of-control... I asked the kids if they had watched Peter Pan... and what does
Peter say when Tinkerbell sprinkles you with pixie dust?

Think Happy Thoughts!

And what happens... "You fly!"

We can only control our thoughts, and how we think - when we go through adversity.

Next I told the audience that I was going to share with them, something I had never told a group

When I went to see my doctor, after five months of chemotherapy... and he told me that he was pronouncing me cancer free. I was very happy... so happy that I felt like I could fly.

It was great to see the kids today, two spoke about Terry Fox and about his running shoe. One holding the
new pair of Adidas Terry Fox shoes. Two teachers also spoke about Terry, and what it means to go through adversity. They also showed the film "I Am Terry Fox" - that I saw unveiled at the Canadian Mint celebration for the Terry Fox $1 coin.

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