CTV Terry Fox Movie: Sunday Sep 11

Tonight premieres the brand new Terry Fox movie starring Sean Ashton. 

7pm, Sunday Sep 11

Advance notice on the movie is pretty good, focussing on Terry's
internal journey instead of merely reporting what happened.  We
all are very familiar with the events, but what actually went on in
Terry's head, or the social dynamics with his brother Darrell and best
friend Doug Alward are stories to be revealed.

CBC started a documentary about Terry Fox, produced by my friend Moyra
Rodger (CBC's TV performance special Gung Haggis Fat Choy).  Moyra
was very excited earlier this year when I saw here filming clips during
the Canadian Mint unveiling of the Terry Fox $1 coin.  Darrell Fox
was very up on the production, and we both shared praises of Moyra. 

All that is in jeopardy with the CBC lock-out, that Canadian cultural
expert Max Wyman told me “is such a waste!”  Canadians are
deprived of Canadian culture, and all the support that CBC gives to our
artists and events.

The Fox Family was featured on Shelagh Rogers' Sounds Like Canada for
the anniversary of Terry's dip into the Atlantic Ocean – broadcast live
from New Foundland, as CBC did an incredible job on radio and
television focusing on Terry's achievements, 25 years later.

If you love Terry Fox, and want to see the television documentary, and
hear CBC radio tell more stories about Terry – Call your local MP,
write letters to your newspaper, and to CBC management.  I think
the CBC lockout is a travesty to the trust and legacy of Canadian
culture and artists.  As grateful, as I am to both CBC radio and
television for promoting and documenting Gung Haggis Fat Choy, I know
the difference between the producers, radio hosts and national
management decision makers.

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