Georgia Straight: Heritage Vancouver tour of top ten threatened heritage sites including Kogawa House

Georgia Straight: Heritage Vancouver tour of top ten threatened heritage sites including Kogawa House

This week's Georgia Straight went on the Heritage Vancouver's tour of Vancouver's top ten threatened heritage sites,
including Kogawa House at 1450 West 64th Ave.  The list also
includes Burrard Street Bridge, Arthur Erikson designed Evergreen
Building and Salisbury Garden.

Matthew Burrows went on the tour and wrote this article Tour Highlights City's History, and interviews Heritage Vancouver's Donald Luxton.

A side bar story is What does heritage mean to you? and includes quotes
from David Kogawa, and Tamsin Baker – my friends and compatriots in the
Save Kogawa House campaign.

What does heritage mean to you?

Publish Date: 2-Mar-2006

David Kogawa
Joy Kogawa’s ex-husband and a member of the Save Kogawa House committee

is a lot to do with history. I feel if we don’t understand history, we
don’t really understand ourselves. We are molded by history.”


Donald Luxton
President of Heritage Vancouver Society

big H. I think it’s things that we value from the past. Buildings and
sites are, of course, very evocative. But there are landscapes, ships,
trains, and cars. These are all aspects of our shared memory and
collective consciousness of the past. It’s very important to preserve a
range of things that speak to the representation of our history.”

Tamsin Baker
Mainland regional manager of the Land Conservancy, an independent
protector of B.C.’s important habitats and properties, including the
1913 Kogawa House in Marpole

“Protecting areas that mean something to a culture, to a people, that can be enjoyed forever.”


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