Finding your head tax tax certificate documentation at the Vancouver Public Library.
The Vancouver Public Library's
History Division has created a wonderful information sheet on how to
search for your head tax documenation on micro film.
Vancouver Public Library has created a wonderful website for Chinese
Canadian Genealogy, check out theses links to many of its features.
History & PioneersChinese-Canadian heritage
ChineseNamesTraditions and characteristics of Chinese names
Family Sources, Interviews and heirlooms
Documents & Records Archival and published information about your family
The following excerpt is from the VPL website – check out the full website at
Chinese Head Tax
Canadians of Chinese origin are interested in finding records of the
head tax paid by their immigrant ancestors. This guide is designed to
help in the search for this information.
Historical Background
head tax on Chinese Immigrants was introduced by the Dominion (federal)
government in the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885. Initially, an amount
of $10 was proposed, but due to anti-Chinese agitation, this was
amended to $50 before the bill's final passage. The Chinese Immigration
Act of 1900 (which went into effect on January 1, 1902) increased the
tax to $100, and finally, in the Chinese Immigration Act of 1903, it
was raised to $500. Some Chinese were exempt. For example, under the
1903 legislation, there were six classes of persons who did not have to
pay: merchants and their families, diplomats, clergymen, tourists,
students, and men of science.
to control Chinese immigration, including the administration of head
tax, were overseen by a federal Chief Controller of Chinese
Immigration. The Chief Controller's Department documented Chinese
immigration in detail, generating a large amount of corresponding
paperwork, including certificates, registers and other records. These
are held by Library and Archives Canada. Copies of selected records are
also available on microfilm at a number of libraries and archives
across Canada, including the Vancouver Public Library.
see more at