Which Action Hero would Toddish McWong be?

Which Action Hero would Toddish McWong be?

I tried this internet quiz.  Which Action Hero would you be?

Tow of the questions were:

A broadsword may be heavy, but it's such a fun weapon
You wouldn't mind wearing a kilt

I ended up as William Wallace – featured in the movie Braveheart – which I recommend for everybody.
Please note below… the other heroes…
Sean Connery did wear a kilt once as James Bond in a movie, but I forget which one.  I did win a James Bond costume prize once.  I dressed in my dinner jacket with a Bond Girl on each arm.
I have spent many hours playing Tombraider, and getting well aquainted with Lara Croft.
I always picked Batman over Superman, collecting many Batman and Spiderman comics – even though X-Men were my favorites.
The best thing about Indiana Jones, was that he was intelligent.  How can you beat being a university professor / action hero?

great Scottish warrior William Wallace led his people against their
English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and
immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior's
heart, tactician's mind, and poet's soul, Wallace was a brilliant
leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave
it up to help his country in its time of need.

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William Wallace
Lara Croft
James Bond, Agent 007
Indiana Jones
El Zorro
Captain Jack Sparrow
Batman, the Dark Knight
Neo, the “One”
The Terminator
The Amazing Spider-Man

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