Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team BBQ at Jericho… on Canada Day!

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team BBQ at Jericho… on Canada Day!

Yes… this is a dragon boat team with an eating problem.
Paddler Dan brought prosciutto wrapped canteloupe – that were lightly braised + incredible marinated prawns.

Daming Zhao offers up a scrumptiously tasty kebob at the 2nd Annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy summer BBQ – photo Todd Wong

Daming looked after the BBQ, with marinated Chinese style chicken and
beef and vegetables.  Even melon and strawberries made it to the

We played some volleyball, talked dragonboats, took in some sun, and enjoyed the friendship of wonderful people.

Some of our d-boat team members…  sitting (l-r) Stephen, Jonas and Jim.

Standing Deb, Julie, Natalie and Dan. – photo Todd Wong

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