BC Day 2006 at Kalamalka Lake

BC Day 2006 at Kalamalka Lake

Todd on the dock, ready for a swim at Kalamalka Lake – photo Deb Martin

What better way to celebrate BC day, than by exploring BC?

I travelled to Kalamalka Lake, just south of Vernon, to swim and hang
at one of BC's most scenic lakes.  Set in the Okanagan Valley, it
is high desert country.  The picture above reminded me of my
travels in Arizona.  There are many micro-climates in the Okanagan
Valley, with rain shadows on one side of the lake contributing to
desert climate, while the other side gets the rain to water all the
ponderosa pine and other trees. 

Kalamalka Lake is a deep Lake with many interesting colour hues. 
It is known as the “lake of many colours.”  Deb says that swimming
is only good for an 8 week window, so we had to take advantage of the
warm weather.

Todd jumping, splashing and attempting to swim – photos by Deb Martin

Todd and Deb attempt synchronized swimming – photo Pat Martin

A deer enters Kalamalka Lake Park – photo Deb Martin

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