Public Open House at Historic Joy Kogawa House – September 17

Public Open House at Historic Joy Kogawa House – September 17

Here's the PSA about our upcoming public open house at the Historic Joy
Kogawa House. I hope everyone will be able to attend and help mingle
with the crowd. Sunday, Sept 17 was the best date for Joy's schedule
since she will be in town to speak at our AGM in Victoria the day
before. We are still working out all the smaller event details, but
this is just a start to get the word out. Please forward this on to any
special guests you would like to attend. I'll be sending this out to
the media over the next few days.

More details to come as they unfold. Please let me know if you are
planning on attending because we may need a few hands on board with
set-up, networking, and clean-up.

What: Public Open House at Historic Joy Kogawa House
When:   Sunday, September 17, 2006
Time:   1pm to 4pm
Where:  Historic Joy Kogawa House – 1450 West 64th Ave., Marpole neighbourhood in Vancouver
Parking:  Parking at the house is limited. Public transit is encouraged.
Admission:  By donation at the door
Nearly 550 people from across the globe helped The Land Conservancy
purchase the Historic Joy Kogawa House in June, and now it is time to
celebrate this accomplishment! TLC will be hosting a public open house
on Sunday, Sept 17 from 1 to 4pm for everyone to see the home before
renovations take place.
This is a great opportunity for Lower Mainland residents to view the
one and one-half storey bungalow where Canadian author Joy Kogawa lived
from 1937 to 1942. As a special addition to the house, guests will get
to see the original desk and typewriter that Kogawa wrote her
award-winning novel, Obasan, on. Kogawa will also be in attendance for
a scheduled book signing. All proceeds from the event will go to the
restorations and to help set up an endowment for a writers-in-residence
The Historic Joy Kogawa House has national significance as a symbol of
the racial discrimination experienced by Japanese-Canadians as a
consequence of World War II. The house is one of the few residences
left in Vancouver that is identified as having been confiscated by the
Canadian Government and sold without the lawful owner’s permission.
TLC protects and cares for the places you love most in British Columbia
from wilderness areas to cultural landmarks. There is no greater gift
we can pass on to future generations than a healthy environment, and
TLC is proud to be part of the international conservation movement.
Since its inception nine years ago,  TLC has preserved more than
100,000 acres on over 150 properties throughout the province.
For more information:
TLC: Heather Skydt (604) 733-2313;
Save Kogawa House Committee: Ann-Marie Metten (604) 263-6586;

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