CCNC: First Redress Payments Issued On Friday

CCNC:  First Redress Payments Issued On Friday

Here's a news release from the Chinese Canadian National Council in Toronto.

Finally after many years of campaigning, and after many peaceful marches and demonstrations and rallies and meetings… redress payment for the Chinese head tax is happening.  I will be there.

For Immediate Release

October 18, 2006

First Redress Payments Issued On Friday

(Toronto/Vancouver). Representatives of the Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) will be attending the presentation of first redress payments to Chinese Head Tax payers in Vancouver on Friday. CCNC representatives include: Colleen Hua, CCNC National President, Sid Chow Tan, CCNC National Director and Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director.

Where:      S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

            28 West Pender St. , Vancouver , British Columbia

When:       October 20, 2006 at 10:30 am

CCNC and redress groups have led the campaign for redress of the Chinese Head Tax, Newfoundland Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act for over 22 years. During this period, CCNC has registered more than 4000 head tax payers and families seeking a just and honourable resolution. On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a formal apology and announced individual symbolic financial redress to living head tax payers and living spouses of deceased head tax payers.

CCNC and redress groups have been assisting the living head tax payers with their application since late August. “We are very happy for the head tax payers who will be receiving these first payments,” Colleen Hua, CCNC National President said today. “This is a restorative moment for the Chinese Canadian community as we begin a genuine process of reconciliation with the Canadian Government.”

CCNC and redress groups continue to press for redress that is inclusive of all head tax families. “The June 22nd redress announcement covers just over 10% of the head tax families registered with us,” Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director said today. “We will press for inclusive redress to restore dignity to all head tax families including those where the head tax payer and spouse have both passed away.”

CCNC continues to work with other redress groups including the Ontario Coalition of Chinese Head Tax Payers and Families (Ontario Coalition) and B.C. Coalition of Head Tax Payers, Spouses and Descendants (B.C. Coalition) in the campaign to redress the Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act.




For more information, please contact Victor Wong at (416) 977-9871.

One thought on “CCNC: First Redress Payments Issued On Friday

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Todd!
    CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Quan, all the recipients of this much-deserved redress, all who have worked for this, and to all Canadians for showing the world a successful governmental response to rectifiying and healing historical injustice!
    I am going to cover this at the Kyoto Journal multi/intercultural website when the managing editor is back from vacation on Nov. 4. I have been following this movement mostly at your blog and am so delighted to read this latest chapter!
    Thanks for your superb, uplifting, witty, humanitarian-love of everything good and beautiful in life- citizen activist blog! I love the photo with the kilt and dragon's head! You all have a great, inclusive, creative community in Vancouver! I came across your blog when I was researching the Winter Solstice in 2004 and was enchanted by the Lantern Festival at Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens.
    Jean Downey (another Anglo-Celtic-Asian (also part Native American), so I love and v. much relate to your Anglo-Celtic fusion, except for the haggis (unless there's vegan substitute that seems the opposite of haggis somehow (S), no bagpipes either thank you!)


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