Gung Haggis dragon boat team races Harrison…. cancels Sunday practice

Gung Haggis dragon boat team races Harrison…. cancels Sunday practice

Hi everybody….

Gung Haggis paddlers agreed to cancel Sunday's practice for July 22nd.

people would still like to do something… such as paddle canoes… or
watch a movie, or rollerblade or go for lunch…. – I will be there. 
1pm Sunday as normal.

We raced today July 21st at the Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Races, at beautiful Harrison Lake, set beside the town of Harrison Hot Springs.  Everybody had lots of fun.  Good cameraderie all around.  Lots of compliments from team paddlers, and other teams.

We are very tired from a very long day at Harrison.
We raced 4 hard paddled races.
We were up early by 4am to arrive by 7am
There were long delays and the races weren't finished by 7:30 when we had left.

We made it to Rec B division Mixed

There was Comp, Rec A, Rec B, Rec C

We had some great races.
first race – came 1st against lower Rec teams
2nd race – came 4th against higher Rec + Comp teams
race – very solid race in Rec B semi ( we were 4th in our race) tough
competition – good compliments from people watching the race.
4th race – very tired race in Rec B consolation – we came 3rd…. and have the ribbons to prove it!

Must go to bed now…
See you tomorrow…
We will prepare roster for Vernon July
and car pools for Vernon etc.

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