Civic Strike: send a letter to Mayor Sam Sullivan and city council

Civic Strike: send a letter to Mayor Sam Sullivan and city council

The Vancouver civic strike is affecting many aspects of life in Vancouver.  From community centres, garbage pick-up, permits, parking, city business and of course libraries!

This is the first strike in our union's 77 year history!!!  In previous years, we have worked without a contract to ensure the smooth operation of library services.  But now.. the process is turned upside down.  The Library board is not in charge of negotiations. 

City Hall's human resources is directing it with the GVRD Labour Relations Council, with the aid of the Wilcox Group – a PR firm hired to handle labour disputes, crisis management as well as VANOC.  Why has the city hired a PR firm to create political spins on contract negotiations instead of hiring a mediator to find resolution.  Why hire a PR firm that advertises a “War Room” on their website, when we should be seeking “Peace”…. I thought that Vancouver's nick name was “City of Peace.”  Check out the information found by CUPE 15, released through a Freedom of Information application:

For information about the strike please check:

Main issues are pay equity, respect and bargaining fairly… not asking for more concessions!

Here is a letter that you can download, and send to Vancouver city council and your friends. It reads:

August, 2007
Vancouver City Council
Vancouver City Hall
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4

Dear Mayor Sullivan and Council,

As someone who lives/works in Vancouver, I value the services provided by city outside, inside and library workers.
Our workers deserve much better than the treatment they've recently received. I am particularly upset by:

Please direct your staff to bargain in good faith with our city and library workers, and address the issues that they are bringing to the table. At the very least, our workers deserve:


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