Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble plays with guitarist/composer John Oliver

Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble plays with guitarist/composer John Oliver

[photo of musicians]

Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble
Autumn Concert

Friday, November 9, 2007 at 8pm
Norman Rothstein Theatre
950 West 41st Avenue (at Oak)

What happens when you take 5 very talented classically trained Chinese musicians and mix them up with composer/guitarist John Oliver, who likens his style to “an experimental mix inspired by John McLaughlin, Pat Methany
Group, Robert Fripp, and World Music, processed through computer
granular synthesis?”

these musicians are incredible solo artists in their own right. 
VCME leader and erhu player Ji-Rong Huang can often be found sometimes
at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens playing his “chinese violin” with
accompanying tracks on a cd player.  One time I discovered him
playing Hungarian Dance #5 – and I thought it would be great if we
could play together if I brought over my accordion.

Zhi Min Yu
is also the duet partner of John Oliver for their guitar / roan duo
when they perform together as the Oliver Yu Duo.  Zhi Min has also
performed with the Silk Road Music Ensemble and appeared in the CBC
television performance special “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” in 2004 and 2005.

Xi Wu plays suona – an ancient Chinese reed pipe instrument.  But
I have also seen Zhong Xi perform bagpipes, and he performed in 2005 at
Gung Haggis Fat Choy with his wife Karen Wong.

Also performing
as part of VCME are Wei Li on zheng (Chinese zither), Qing Hua Zhen on
yangqin (Chinese hammered dulcimer) and Angela Wang on pipa (Chinese
lute) and vocal.

Guest artists artists include Kathryn Cernauskas (who performed at last
year's Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner) on flute, Laurence Mollerup on bass
and Bruce Henczel on percussion and marimba + John Oliver on MIDI

Check out these amazing musicians and find out how East-West musical fusion blends with traditional Chinese music!

(604) 683-8240
zhaozhao @

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