Gung Haggis dragon boat team team hits the water with a Global TV cameraman filming them to celebrate BC's cultural diversity

We had a great practice in the sunshine today with a full 22 paddler boat and a Global TV camerman!

It was the first practice of the year, and all paddlers were enthusiastic veterans who braved the chilly February sunshine.  We were even filmed by a Global TV camerman.  Maybe it's like a dragon boat version of ground hog day…. if we can see our shadow we will have have great season of fun and medals.

It's the earliest time we've ever been out on the water.  Last year we started on the first Sunday in March with only 8 paddlers in the rain who went out in Marathon canoes.  This year it was 24 team members. 

Even the media attention has come early.  Last April, a the ADBF sprint regatta, it was a ZDF German Public television crew filming us for a travelogue documentary titled Toronto to Vancouver.  We are featured near the end of the show.  Check out:
go to 54 minute mark of the 58 minute documentary to find the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.

Attending our first practice were:
returning Gung Haggis paddlers Wendy, Tzhe, Keng & Gerard, Georgia,
Julie, Ashleigh, Steven Wong & Jane, Stephen Mirowski, Joe, Emma,
Leanne, Daming, and myself…  + Lena who joined us in Oct + Raphael,
Adam & Nicole from the UA team (who had joined us for Lotus and Ft.
Langley Races) + 5 paddlers from CC Dragons Don & Paulette, Gail,
Marg, and Debbie = 24 people on the water – Wow!

We were enthusiastically enjoying the sunshine, and happy to be out paddling, stretching our muscles!

We are grateful to the CC Dragons paddlers
who are joining us, and bringing lots of experience from years of
competitive, and Rec A/B racing.  Thank you to the Gung Haggis paddlers
for making them feel welcome.  We will be inclusive, sharing
leadership, wisdom, experience, enthusiasm and lots of fun, food and

The Global TV cameraman came out
to shoot some shots of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team and to
interview Todd for a story about “The Best of BC”.  Cultural diversity
is the topic, and Todd and the Gung Haggis dragon boat team will
represent it to Global TV veiwers for the story celebrating BC's 150th

From Global TV producer/reporter Elaine Yong:

did a poll asking people what they thought were the things that made BC
a world-class place, and people/culture/diversity was one of the top 10
responses.  To illustrate some of BC's amazing culture and diversity, I
thought you would be a great person to profile.  But of course, we need
some viz of you doing something, and since we missed the dinner, the
dragon boating would be great, as well as another example of cultural
diversity.  The story is scheduled to air Feb 26 or 27,

Today was a great start
to a new Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat season.  We plan to have two
teams where new paddlers can learn from veteran paddlers, and our best
paddlers can race to their potential. 

Please remember to dress warmly,
with polypropelene underwear that will wick moisture away, windbreakers
to cut the wind chill, and bring water – as we still loose moisture
through our breath.  It's important to stay warm and hydrated – even
more so, as we are just getting started again in cold weather and many
of us have not been exercising for awhile.

Two teams for 2008 will be GREAT!
Two boats can race together on Sunday afternoon practices
and Wednesday 6pm practices will evolve as either advanced paddler or
technique/beginner practices… or dependent upon which night people
can attend. 

We are building flexibility into our practice schedule.
People could also paddle on one day, and help coach or steer on another day or more.

If new people would like to join they can contact me at:
gunghaggis at yahoo dot ca

or phone Todd Wong
h: 604-987-7124
c: 778-846-7090

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