video of SUCCESS “Walk with the Dragon”

“Walk with the Dragon” is one of Vancouver's biggest Stanley Park events.  It is an outdoor fundraiser for SUCCESS.

Here's a great video of the event, by VJ Becky  with a interviews with SUCCESS executive director Tung Chan.

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Check out my friend Patrick Tam's pictures on his flickr site.

According to news reports, over 13,000 people attended, raising more money than last year to help this immigrant support service organization.

Earlier this year I had bought a 12 foot long dragon that we used in the St. Patrick's Day Parade… and I thought it would be great to bring down to the “Walk With The Dragon Event.

I have never attended the event because unfortunately, I am usually out of town or dragon boat racing. 

I was planning on attending this year, but had to move the Gung Haggis dragon boat team practice into the morning because I was a performer for the Harry Aoki tribute event in the afternoon.

Oh well… there's always next year

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