Gung Haggis dragon boat team is busy… paddlers are reading at Heart of the City Festival and running for Vancouver Parksboard + paddling?

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team is BUSY this Sunday:
Paddler Stuart Mackinnon is running for Vancouver Parksboard
Paddler Dan Seto is giving a reading for Heart of the City Festival.

2008_Oct23 006Gung Haggis paddler Stuart Mackinnon is running for Vancouver Parks Board.  Here he poses with his good friend Andrea Reimer who is running for Vancouver City Council – photo Todd Wong

the past two Sundays, Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team continues to paddle for fun and fitness, after our last “race” at the Ft. Langley Canoe Club Cranberry Festival Regatta.  We have paddled to David Lam Park, then to
Granville Island, here we have docked the boat and gone for a
refreshing drink of juice, coffee, hot chocolate or even sake. 

Sunday Nov. 2nd is a very busy day, so it is important that we know how
many paddlers are coming.   We have moved the 1:30 practice back to
3:00 to try to accommodate paddlers activities – so please contact
Stephen Mirowski to indicate if you can attend.

Some team members are
helping Stuart Mackinnon in the morning put his pamphlets in neighborhoods, as
Stuart is running for Vancouver Parksboard for the Nov. 15th
Civic election.  If you would like to help – please contact Stuart or
Julie Wong: 

On Sunday, Stuart will be speaking at the all candidates Parks board meeting at the Roundhouse community centre, while paddler Dan Seto does a reading at the Chinese Benovolent Society.  I might also be reading along with Dan, as I have been asked to be a last-minute stand-in for fellow writer Shirley Chan.  We will be reading from the book Eating Stories: A Chinese Canadian and Aboriginal Potluck.

Please check out both of these worthy events:


Sunday November 2, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, 108 E. Pender 3rd floor

ALL CANDIDATES MEETING for Park Board Commissioners.

presented by Roundhouse Community
Arts and Recreation Society
Sunday, November 2, 2008
2:00pm to 4:00pm
(Performance Centre)

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