Gung Haggis Fat Choy is always a wonderful event for photographs. Special thanks to our incredible photographers Patrick Tam, Lydia Nagai and VFK.
If you like their photos, please contact them and purchase them. We have asked them to put “water marks” on their photos, so that we will advertise and promote them.
They help us with our event, because they believe in the community work and social consiousness raising that we do.

A wonderful job by everybody last night –
Veteran Gung Haggis performers Joe McDonald and Heather pronounced last
night as “The Best Gung Haggis Dinner yet”
And Dr. Leith Davis
(Director of Centre for Scottish Studies, Simon Fraser University) said it was the best Burns Supper she had ever attended – and she just
spent 2 weeks in Scotland for Homecoming Scotland!
to everybody. The energy was brilliantly contagious and fun. There
were lots of nice surprises in the program, with the Mayor reading a
Burns poem, a treatise on the details of scotch drinking, Parks
Commissioner Stuart Mackinnon singing A Man's A Man For A' That, and
hip hop artist Ndidi Cascade coming up from the audience to rap a verse
of Burns' Address to A Haggis.
But it was the performances by
Silk Road, Joe McDonald, Adrienne Wong, Jan Walls, Tommy Tao, Rita
Wong, Catherine Barr, Heather Pawsey & DJ Timothy Wisdom, Bob
Wilkins & the Gung Haggis Fat Choy pipe band, supplemented by
Alland & Trish McMordie with Don Scobie from Seattle… and an
immortal address by Dr. Leith Davis – that knocked the audience over!
With wonderfully warm co-hosting from Gloria Macarenko and Catherine Barr….
And strong support from stage manager Charlie Cho, and sound technician Carl Schmidt.
Many thanks…. to helping rise funds for Historic Joy Kogawa House,
Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop/Ricepaper Magazine and Gung Haggis Fat
Choy dragon boat team.
We will have some pictures available for you soon.
Thank yous and Blessings to
Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures
661 – 20090125 – Robbie Burns’… – Patrick Tam photo set.
Lydia Nagai – Lydia Nagai Photography
Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2009 – Linda Nagai photo set.