Last Chance to participate in “Paddle for Wild Salmon”

Last chance to take part in the “Paddle for Wild Salmon”

Day 1 crew, M, Wendy, Colleen, Guen, Todd, Ella , Alejuandro, Twyla, Gilbert – missing Bobbie and Verna

Day 5 crew of Gung Haggis dragon boat team paddlers + Chilcotin elder Gilbert.

It's been an incredible experience of paddling and making new friends.  I
have always wanted to paddle the Fraser River from Hope.  But last week it became a reality, as I helped to steer voyageur canoes as part of “Paddle for Wild Salmon.” 

We stopped at First Nations communities along the way.  At Cheam Beach, Aaron Williams sang a song for the group.

Alexandra Morton is a biologist who has written about how sea lice affect the migration of wild salmon.  Elly Edwards is a the woman who dreamed up the “Paddle for Wild Salmon” journey from Hope to Vancouver.


Day 1 Wednesday – We paddled from Hope to Chilliwack with 5 voyageur canoes

Day 4 Saturday – We paddled from Katzie (Golden
Ears Bridge) to New Westminster to Musequeam – with 7 canoes.

Day 5 Sunday – We paddled from
Musqueam into the Salish Sea, around Point Grey to Jericho Beach – with 9 canoes!

Day 6 Monday- I will not be able to attend, as I am working on the
library – but hope to see you all at the after-party at W2 Storyeum.

  You can still participate:

9:00am – meet at Jericho Beach

9:30am – paddle to Vanier Park (Kits Point) on voyageur canoes.
10 am – march across Burrard Bridge
11am – gathering for Cohen Commission on Wild Salmon
12 noon – rally at Vancouver Art Gallery
3-10pm – after party at W2 Storyeum

Here is a Vancouver Sun newstory:


See more details below:

is a historic journey underway called the Paddle for Wild Salmon.  It
is a powerful pulling together of the Wild Salmon People.  A group of 60
people are canoeing for 5 days down the Fraser River, arriving in
Vancouver on October 25th at 9am at Vanier Park. We will walk to the
opening of the sockeye inquiry to tell Justice Cohen that he must order
full disease disclosure from the salmon farmers so we can learn if our
wild salmon are dying of farm diseases.

09:30 am Meet the Paddle for Wild Salmon
as they land at the Vanier Park Beach and walk with First Nation
chiefs, MPs, MLAs and hundreds of people to the sockeye inquiry, Cohen
Commission 701 West Georgia

10:00 am Walk with us from Vanier Park (over the Burrard Street Bridge) to the Cohen Commission.

11:00 am Gather at the opening of the Cohen Commission to support
Justice Cohen to let him know  we support him and we are watching this
commission closely because wild salmon are essential to us

12:00 pm Rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery

3:00 – 10:00 pm A Wild Salmon Party at the W2 Storyeum 151 West Cordova admission by donation. Music, Art, Speaker

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