New media stories about Terry Fox – for the 31st Terry Fox Run

31st Terry Fox Run this Sunday

Sunday Sept 18th is the 31st Annual Terry Fox Run.   I have attended runs since 1993, when Terry's younger brother Darrell asked me to be a Terry's Team Member – a cancer survivor who demonstrates that cancer research has made a difference.  When I first met Terry's mother, Betty Fox, she said I had a few runs to catch up on…. or maybe she told me that after I told her I was speaking at 3 different run sites in one morning.

When I first became a Terry's Team member, I would also drive out to the Terry Fox Run Foundation office in Coquitlam and have lunch with Terry's older brother Fred.  Fred had taken over in the BC Run office, as the younger brother Darrell had moved to Toronto to be at the National Run office.  That was just after 1994, when Fred had moved the BC office from Downtown Vancouver back to the Fox Family's hometown of Coquitlam.

Since that first year in 1993, I have spoken at Terry Fox Runs in Vancouver's Stanley Park, North Vancouver's Seymour River Park, West Vancouver's Ambleside Beach, Burnaby's Central Park, Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Richmond's Garry Point Park, North Delta, Kelowna BC, and also at a run in Beijing China in October 1993.

Here are some media stories that I have found and liked for this year's run.

ThumbnailA history of Terry Fox 5:26

is a very cool video that shows mementos of Terry in the Fox Family
home.  There are also vintage newsclips of Terry on a vintage television

  1. New statues unveiled at Terry Fox Plaza The Province
    Four bronzed sculptures of Terry Fox were unveiled outside BC Place today in a new memorial for Canada's Marathon of Hope runner.
  2.  This is a story about Rolly Fox – Terry's father and Betty Fox's husband of 54 years.  He’ll be in Port Coquitlam on Sept. 18 for the Hometown Run. 

  3. Terry Fox worthy of being called a hero  GMontreal Gazette – This is a nice story from Montreal as Terry's brother Fred Fox travels across the country doing interviews, that he says his mother would normally be doing.  He talks about his brother Terry, and the recent loss of his mother Betty Fox.
  4. A letter, a trip and Terry Fox Tri-City News

Donna Ball of Newfoundland at the statue outside of Terry Fox secondary school in Port Coquitlam. By Janis Warren – The Tri-City News Donna Ball returned

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