Gung Haggis dragon boat team practice 2pm on Sunday

2pm Sunday practice for Gung Haggis dragon boat team

This is because of two reasons:

1)  It's Terry Fox Run Day in Canada…. 

     I encourage everybody to take part in a great Canadian tradition!
     We traditionally do not practice in the morning

     As a Terry's Team member, cancer survivor, I speak at Terry Fox Runs,
     and will be attending the Richmond Run at Garry Point Park 10am.


     Check my website for more information on runs
     or check

2)  Kelowna Dragon Boat Races – Sat/Sun  Sep 13/14
     Tony is racing with Sudden Impact Blac

3)  BC Seniors Games – Sat/Sun Sep 13/14
Steven Wong and Dave Samis are racing in Prince George for Seniors Games

Future practice Dates.

We will next practice every Tuesday 6pm – until Thanksgiving

Sunday Sep 21st is….practice

Usually we will follow with a voyageur
canoe practice for the UBC Day of the Longboat

Sep 28th
No Practice because of:
1) UBC Day of the Long Boat
2) Word on the Street Festival

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