Gung Haggis dragon boat April 24 practice review + upcoming events

Hello paddlers,

Very good 3rd practice on Sunday April 24th.  I coached as Bob
Brinson had to be in White Rock, to help provide dragon boat barrel
racing for the Semiahoo Days Festival.

Sunday's practice focussed on technique building.  After the
previous practice many people asked for more specific paddle
instruction before and during the practice.  This was accomplished
by providing dryland instruction on how to use the paddle, as well as
on-water exercises to help develop paddle technique.

Additionally I introduced several exercises to help increase timing and
working together.  This was done by increasing the stroke rate
from 70 strokes a minute to about 90, back down to 70, down to 50 and
longer, then back up.  People had to keep their eyes on the lead
strokes, as well as my hand, as we changed the rate.

Another exercise we did to increase technique was what I call “draw
water exercise”  We paddle off to the side of the boat, so we can
actually watch the effect our paddle has moving through the
water.  If the paddle is not very deep, then it moves more water
on the surface, sucking air into the vortex behind it.  If the
paddle is deep enough so that only the shaft is moving on the surface
of the water – then we get the most effective use of our motion, and
eliminating any unecessary white water.

To familiarize people with the “Start” calles and sequence, we
initially did running starts while paddling.  This also helped to
work through transitions in rate without tiring us out from starting at
a dead stop each time.  We later did full starts building up from
a single stroke, to 6 strokes only, 12 strokes, then 16 and upwards.

We also switched sides twice during the practice to work out both sides
during the practice.  This helps build body symetry, gives the
body a rest inbetween, and allows us to practice more.

2pm at the DBA/MATCON warehouse.
Please arrive earlier, as practice begins at 2pm.
Come at 1:45 to sign forms ask questions, give checks, say hi to everybody….

May 7th Team Social
We are having a team social at Doolin's Irish Pub
please arrive by 6pm – 6:30pm
$15 gets you Irish Stew, Lambshank + pint of Guinness
vegetarians please contact me for alternate menu.
Bring your friends!

We will show videos of last year's team in a dragon boat documentary
show globally on French television + the CBC TV performance special
“Gung Haggis Fat Choy”

May 7th is also Kilts Night at Doolins'
Wear a kilt and get a free pint of Guinness

3 in 1 Paddlers' Party

Tanya and I have decided to move the party to June 5th, Sunday.  This clears the LONG WEEKEND for EVERYBODY.
June 4/5 is Alcan Dragon boat festival regatta weekend.  So we do have to RACE on Sunday afternoon.
Then we celebrate by dancing and partying, just like a warm-up to the real thing for June 18/19 for the FESTIVAL.

Cheers to everybody.
See you on Sunday.


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