HEAD TAX events: Friday May 5 8:30 CFRO + Community meeting Saturday May 6 + Tuesday showing of Karen Cho's “Shadow of Gold Mountain.

HEAD TAX events:  Friday May 5 8:30 CFRO
+ Community meeting Saturday May 6
+ Tuesday showing of Karen Cho's “Shadow of Gold Mountain.

The Following is from Sid Tan, long time head tax redress activist.

Tomorrow Friday May 5 at 8:30AM on CFRO 102.7 FM radio program Wake Up
with Co-op, head-tax redress will be the topic. Also on internet
www.coopradio.org and online radio streaming is
on right side of page.

There's also a comunity meeting Saturday May 6 at 2:00PM Saturday May 6
at SUCCESS called by ACCESS (Media Advisory follows). Speakers include
Victor Wong, CCNC executive director, and Libby Davies, MP for
Vancouver East.  Vancouver Kingsway MP David Emerson
(Conservative) and Vancouver South MP Ujjal Dosanjh (Liberal) have been
invited to speak but no reply yet.  

On Tuesday May 9 at 9:00PM, the Knowledge Network will be broadcasting
Karen Cho's In the Shadow of Gold Mountain (NFB). Vancouver connection
includes Charlie Quan, Gim Wong, Roy Mah and Hanson Lau. Well worth the

We will need some volunteers to do translation and help set-up and
teardown on Saturday.

Please let me know asap to sidchowtan@gmail.com or call 604-433-6169
and leave message if you can put in a couple of hours in some capacity.

There will be an update and report of redress activities in Toronto and here but we mostly want to hear from the community.

Please pass on to your Saltwater City contacts.

Hope to see you Saturday. Peace, love and hope.

Take care.    anon     Sid

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