Vancouver Storytelling Festival begins today

Vancouver Storytelling Festival begins today

Check out this weekend's Vancouver Storytelling Festival
February 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2007

Van Dusen Botanical Garden
5251 Oak Street
at West 37th Ave.

Advance tickets available at 24 hours in advance.
or phone 604-231-7535

Tickets also available at the door.  Discounts for members of Vancouver Society of Storytelling.

Download the program at:
2007 Vancouver International Storytelling Festival Programme Guide

Chirine el Ansary – Stories from 1001 Nights, Others

Chirine has a very physical approach and explores the way words and
movements combine to create moods, atmospheres and images. She can tell
in English, French, or Egyptian Arabic, and has told internationally
from Sana’a to Nairobi, Zanzibar, Johannesburg, Rome, Napoli,
Rotterdam, Paris and London at the Barbican.
(From Cairo, Egypt)
Jolene Cumming – Stories of Women of Vancouver

Jolene is a local historical interpreter who conducts walking tours,
gallery talks, school tours, and presentations on the history of the
women of Vancouver. Recently Jolene launched her walking tour The Women
of Stanley Park, 1850-1914, an adjunct to her Women of Vancouver: The
Early Years tour. Jolene Cumming will do a walk within the VanDusen
Botanical Garden with stories of the women of Vancouver that relate to
what we are seeing. Bring an umbrella, just in case!
(From Vancouver)
Comfort Adesuwa Ero – Stories from Nigeria

Comfort grew up in Nigeria, the daughter of a chief, and has learned
and told folktales and songs ever since she learned to talk. She
studied languages and drama and became a teacher at a time when it was
very unpopular in Africa to send girls to school. She left her native
land when authorities warned her against telling subversive stories to
her students.
(Originally from Nigeria)
Nan Gregory – Folktales and Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends

is one of Canada' premier storytellers, and has been spinning tales for
all ages for 22 years. Her first children's book, How Smudge Came,
draws on her storytelling techniques and on her knowledge of story
forms from around the world. She is also an artist who works in
fabrics, paint and cookies.
(From Vancouver)
Bonnie Logan – Stories from rural Saskatchewan & the world, banjo

was born and raised in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Everyone in her
farming/railroading family told stories, and she started in as a
youngster just to get a word in edgewise. Her repertoire is a dog eared
collection of anecdotes, folktales, original and literary stories woven
together with music on banjo, kokorico, cabasa and other odd
(From Saskatchewan)
Helen May – Zulu Tales, Stories from Africa

is a Vancouver-based storyteller. Since her beginnings in South Africa,
where the Zulu people held her in a warm embrace of vivid stories,
teaching-tales, and breathtaking harmony, she has been telling,
listening to, singing and writing stories. She tells tales learned from
her Zulu friends when she was a child.
(From Vancouver, raised in South Africa)
Michael D. McCarty – Multi-Cultural Folk Tales

is a multicultural teller of African, African-American and
international folk tales, historical tales, stories of science and of
the spiritual, as well as stories of the brilliant and absolutely
stupid things he has done in his life. His style is energetic and
enthusiastic, and his stories inform, educate, inspire and amuse.
(From Los Angeles)
Bill McNamara – Spoken Word, Harleys and such.

is a Vancouver-based storyteller and spoken word artist who runs
Hogger's Moon Cartage, rides Harleys and wins story slams (last year’s
Story Slam Champ, it was his first year and he won the first four times
he went!). He has worked as a trucker, miner, plumber, film animator
and then went back to tr

Jean Pierre Makosso – African Tales

Pierre is an internationally renowned actor, storyteller and dancer
from Pointe Noire, Congo Brazzaville in Central Africa. Jean Pierre has
also performed at more than 1,000 schools worldwide as storyteller and
dancer. He can tease the giggles out of grownups and grandchildren
(From Sechelt, originally from Congo)
James Nicholas – 1st Nations Tales

Nicholas is a Cree storyteller born and raised in the Precambrian
Shield territory of Boreal Manitoba., the progeny of shamans, medicine
men and woman, trappers and chiefs. He comes from a family of renowned
orators and storytellers. James has travelled the length and bredth of
North America searching for story and being story.
(From Saskatchewan, originally from Manitoba)
evenSteven – Spoken Word, Creative Tales

is a writer, contortionist and practicing martial artist as well as a
storyteller. He has stories for every grade level, which range from
surreal to absurd to eastern mysticism to world literature to urban and
rural myth and legend. An agent provocateur guaranteed to tickle your
(From Vancouver)
Joujou Turenne – Stories of love, peace, friendship, liberty, dignity, exile

people shape clay, Joujou shapes words. She is inspired by her African
filiations, her Caribbean relations, the thousand textures of Quebec
where she has settled, and the four corners of the world she has
crossed. Also a dancer and actor, Joujou mixes poetry, storytelling,
social commitment, and sass.
(From Montreal, originally from Haiti)
Kira Van Deusen – Tales of Siberian peoples, Tuvans, and Inuit.

plays the cello and tells shamanistic and animal power tales, which are
full of transformations – a mother turns into a wolf to rescue her
daughter; a tiger turns into a man and teaches a boy how to be a good
hunter. Kira has done extensive research with indigenous people in
Siberia and the Russian Far East, and has performed widely in Canada,
the US, and Russia.
(From Vancouver)

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