Vancouver IAM agregattor Blog Features story as one of the TOP BLOG REPORTS

Vancouver IAM agregattor Blog Features story as one of the TOP BLOG REPORTS

There is a new blog aggregator in town called VancovuerIAM.  They have selected as one of Vancouver's top blogs.  They probably wanted my content about intercultural activities, and weren't expecting political news stories about the Vancouver Civic Strike.

But yesterday, my story about the Vancouver Library Strike and how CUPE 391 was expecting to reject the mediator's recommendations, was selected as the top blog story.

Below is a letter from the VancouverIAM team + the excerpt of my story.

Hi Todd,
Yesterday was a big day for us.  VancouverIAM
officially went live!  Of course there’s still lots to do and new features
to add but that’s part of the never ending process of building websites.
One of our biggest priorities is drawing attention
to the best blog content that Vancouver has to offer and by now you know that
your blog is on our list of top Vancouver blogs. Over the next while we expect
traffic to VancouverIAM to continue to increase as more and more people learn
about us……….and we also expect to be able to drive some of that traffic to you.
Yesterday also saw us write the first edition of
the VancouverIAM Daily Blog Report, which summarizes the most outstanding posts
of the day. The Daily Blog Report is published on websites like Now Public and
Newsvine.  What’s exciting is yesterday’s article made it to the front page
of Now Public (the article is attached in case you’re interested).  We link
the articles back to any blog we discuss so if you see a bunch of traffic on any
given day you’ll know that your blog was mentioned.
Thanks for writing such a great blog and being part of our first blog

Best Regards,
The VancouverIAM Team

Striking Librarians Will Reject New Offer

According to the latest post from GungHaggisFatChoy,
the Vancouver library workers strike has never been about money. In
response to the set of recommendations published by mediator Brian
Foley, the post declared that “this strike has been about fairness,
respect and pay equity. Not one of these issues was addressed by Brian
Foley's mediated recommendations.” Additionally, the post also reported
that, following a meeting on Sunday morning, “CUPE 391 bargaining
committee recommended to its membership to reject the mediator Brian
Foley's recommendations.” GHFC remained insistent that one of the
union's largest criticisms was “that the mediator did not understand
the issue of pay equity.”

Noted left-wing author and journalist Naomi Klein reportedly made an
appearance at the picket lines on Friday, speaking to striking workers
and “giving her support for pay equity, stating that library workers
have been under-valued.”

The post
also noted that out of all of the recommendations issued by the 40 page
Foley Report, less than 10 were related to the librarians- an
indication that maybe the mediators aren't taking the librarians
demands seriously. The post declared that “it has been typical that
library workers have been seen as the most docile, least protesting –
yet underpaid, and under-valued city workers. This is our first strike
in our 77 year union history.” The lack of attention to pay equity
issues, a lower than expected signing bonus, and a bias towards
management are likely reasons why the city should “expect Vancouver
library workers to reject his (Foley's) recommendations.”

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