Did Muk Muk, the Olympic sidekick marmot, see his shadow today on Ground Hog Day?

Ground Hog Day in balmy British Columbia. 
Did Muk Muk see his shadow?

We don't have ground hogs, we have the Vancouver Island Marmot, and are currently over-run with Muk Muks!
January20103 by you.

Muk Muk see his shadow this morning? Ground hogs don't live in
Vancouver or Whistler, site of the 2010 Winter Olympics – but marmots
do. It rained this morning. I doubt that Muk Muk saw his shadow… Too
bad – Vancouver doesn't get 6 more weeks of winter that Eastern North
American will get, as predictedy by Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania, Wiarton Willie in Ontario and Shubenacadie Sam in Nova Scotia.


We saw a television news story that snow is being trucked to the Cypress Bowl Olympics site for Free style skiing and Snowboarding.  It's coming all the way from Manning Park!  Way past Hope and the Fraser River!  I guess there isn't even any snow at Hemlock Valley!

News results for snow, manning park, olympics

Trucks start moving snow to Cypress Mountain from Manning Park‎ – 9 hours ago

The great Olympic snow job is under way. VANOC to bring in snow by helicopter from elsewhere in the Cypress area and truck in snow from Manning Park.

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