Aboriginal & Asian-Canadian issue of Ricepaper Magazine successfully launched at Historic Joy Kogawa House

Ricepaper Magazine launch: Aboriginal + Asian Canadian issue

Six writers read at our issue launch for Ricepaper Magazine at Historic Joy Kogawa House. I am pleased to be chair of Historic Joy Kogawa House Society, and on the board of Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop – publisher of Ricepaper Magazine… This is one of the best issues of Ricepaper that I have seen over the 16 year history of the magazine. http://ricepapermagazine.ca/

One thought on “Aboriginal & Asian-Canadian issue of Ricepaper Magazine successfully launched at Historic Joy Kogawa House

  1. Anonymous

    While Europeans were once referred to as colonial “Westerners” by Asians in the 20th Century. Asian are considered “Westerners” by Aboriginal Native Americans when Asians are compared to Native Americans in the 21st century. Asians have become the new generation of Colonialists and land-usurpers who impose their customs on the unique and different Native populations in order to “Westernise” them


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