Dragon boat techniques: top teams at May 25 FC Women's regatta

Dragon boat techniques: Here are pictures of the top teams at May 25th False Creek Women's Regatta.

top two women's teams year after year are False Creek Women and Wasabi Team Huge.  FC
Women have medaled at every World Championships since 1995…and a gold
medal at some race every year back to 1988.  Team Huge at the 2001
& 2003 Worlds + 2004 World Club Crew in South Africa.

year I steered for Team Huge in Victoria.  I have also steered for them
in Kent WA in 2003, and 2002 in Deep Cove.  I have also steered for FC
Women for 2 practices – just before they went to Worlds in 2001.  They
both have great coaches, Kim Ketcham for Wasabi and Andrea Dillong for FC Women.  I am honoured for their trust to have
assisted these teams.

how deep the Wasabi Team Huge paddles are… (green stripes lane 3)  
My friend Suzi is in seat 9 right side.  Her boyfriend Mike is
steering.  False Creek (lane 2) is in recovery stage – top hands high
as they punch their body forward in rotation.

is False Creek Women in the midst of their “entry”.  They haven't
started the “catch” or the “pull” yet.  Note the reach of seats 1 &
2 with extended bottom arms. Note the high top arms outside the boat
and the “positive” angle of the paddles.

Women have just finished their exit and are bringing their top arms up
now… see how hight they bring their top hands in the very top photo. 
Meanwhile Team Huge is just about to “catch” as they “bury” their
paddles.  Seat  1 is ready to “pull” but seat 2 & 6 are just out of
time still getting their paddles in the water.

Note the
rotation of the bodies.  FC is just starting the rotation, while Huge
has fully extended with their backs facing the outside.

FC is 8 seats ahead at the finish :

1. 2:04.59 False Creek Women
2. 2:06.57 Team Huge

= 1.98 seconds.

exits in perfect sync – paddles come out of the water… led by the top
hand – which is still OUTSIDE the boat – or at least over the gunwale. 
Look how close the paddle blades are still to the boat.

They are NOT dropping the top hand inside the boat, nor flaring the paddle blade outwards.

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